September 18, 2008

Natural Remedies For Acne


This common skin condition often begins at puberty when hormonal activity stimulates the sebaceous glands to secrete excess sebum, which causes the spots, blackheads, pimples and boils.
Acne can also occur late in life and in women it is common before or during menstruation

Dietary Advice To Avoid Acne

Aim for a wholefood diet rich in fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas, instead of coffee and alcohol. Supplements of zinc and Vitamin A (taken as beta carotene) are also beneficial. Check with your doctor before taking supplements if using conventional acne medication.

Complimentary Natural Remedies For Acne

Several essential oils can help. Acne can have many causes but the following advice has been known to help. Never pick the pustules. Gently dab an equal mixture of neat lavender and tea tree oils on spots, using a clean cotton bud each time.

Make a facial wash of 5 drops rosemary, 3 drops sandalwood, 5 drops tea tree, 5 drops lavender, 2 drops lemon in 50 ml boiling water. Leave to cool and use it to wash with, shaking the bottle each time. Use on back, arms, chest and face.

Homeopathically, Pulsatilla 6c is said to help with acne which comes on at puberty and is made worse by fatty foods. Hepar sulph 6c is good for large, pus-filled spots. Either can be taken three times a day for up to two weeks.

Dandelion and nettle teas are cleansing. Add 1 tsp of the dried herb to a cup of boiling water, infuse for 10 minutes and drink a cupful three times a day. As the spots clear, massage comfrey cream in to reduce scarring.

by dr natural in Natural Health

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