August 23, 2008

Foods to Avoid to Be Healthy and Fit

There are a number of foods that you will want to avoid if you are trying to get healthy and lose weight. These are animal based products, white flour, refined sugar, stimulants, and any foods made with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats (trans- fats). All of these can be very harmful on your health and exercise program.
Animal based foods consist of meat, milk-based products, bouillon, eggs, and also fish and shellfish. These food products have been correlated with many chronic diseases. These protein based products have a tendency to contaminate the body, are not used efficiently for energy, and do not maintain healthy biochemical activities. These foods also contain a lot of cholesterol, which the body already manufactures by itself.
White flour forms a sticky substance in the intestines, and increases GI deregulation and constipation. Refined white sugar is found almost everywhere, and is also classified as a stimulant. Consuming refined white sugar will cause your body to crave even more refined sugar, an effect not observed with natural sugars. Check the "Nutrition Facts" label on all products. Stimulants can quickly change a mental and/or physical well being. Stimulants can temporarily make us feel good, but only for a short time, and then you will crash! Make a good effort to steer clear of stimulants like refined white sugar coffee, alcohol, spices, and red meats. By all means, for your health and safety, don't smoke or use stimulating drugs!
Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils (trans- fats) are utilized to extend a food's shelf-life. Their consumption has been shown to have disastrous health consequences. On food labels, these fats are also described as margarine and shortening. Stay away from fast food restaurants, as they use a lot of these oils and fats. Go to restaurants that are more likely to prepare their foods from scratch, and don't use foods that contain these oils. So, be careful about what you put into your body. A list of foods that contain these oils can be found in the second reference of this article.

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