August 28, 2008

What is cheewajit? (alternative concept for good health)

Cheewajit is the concept of Holistic health which combines “cheewa” that means body with “jit” or mind. These two parts of life depend on each other which can not be separated. When mind is affected, body is also affected. Man can be happy when body and mind work well together as the wholeness.

Living simply along with the natural is the core concept of cheewajit comprising of having the healthy food getting from the natural or less processed food including any healthy products to make the life come out of the materialism society which is the cause of many new sickness in present.

Along with treating the body, it is needed to treat the mind. The goal of practicing the mind is the peace and be able to view the real truth of the earth and life. In contrast with complicated living, living follow cheewajit is as simply as possible, be fresh and consistent with the natural to balance the health and activate immune system inside the body to work efficiently in protection the health.

It may be said that when keeping the health to be fit following cheewajit concept, immune system, the first protection from all the sickness, will work efficiently but whenever there is emergency sickness attacking the body the healing way following cheewajit still hold the view of holistic way which combines many knowledge and various ways as following:
1.using the natural as the medicine
2.using the food as the medicine
3.using the combined medical approach
-Conventional , Orthodox , Allopathic
-Wholistic (Holistic)
-Chinese way and acupuncture
-Ayurveda and yoga
-Thai massage
-Long stick exercise

Before seeing the doctor or treating any alternative medical approach, the best way in taking care the health following cheewajit concept is protecting the health in early time by putting the good habits in daily life in either choosing the cheewajit food, stimulate the physical body to be fresh, curing the exhaustion by drinking R.C. (Rejuvenating Concoction) water which comprises of glucose, DNA/RNA, natural vitamin and mineral, or drinking the fresh fruit or vegetable juice to nourish all the system of health. Another important thing is detoxification, which eradicates the toxin caused from the disease or pollution, resulting in increasing the immune system and at the same time it is required to control the accumulation of new toxin.

Lastly, cheewajit concept is not the complicated living but it is all about the thinking way on the five rules that are living by holding on the nature as the main path, living as simply, living for the better health and mind, living for sharing to others, living for creating the good and equality society. Following this is all the real concept of cheewajit.

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